
Keywords: MHD, Unsteady flow, Mass transfer, Radiation, Immiscible fluid.

Article Content:-


The unsteady MHD free convective two immiscible fluids flowing in a horizontal channel with heat and mass transfer, with the assumptions that the upper channel and lower channel are porous and non-porous respectively have been studied. The governing equations of the flow were transformed to ordinary differential equations by a regular perturbation method, and the expression for the velocity, temperature and concentration for each fluid flow were obtained. The effects of various governing parameters like Grashof numbers for heat and mass transfer, Prandtl number, Viscosity ratio, conductivity ratio, Radiative parameter, Schmidt number etc. on the velocity, temperature and concentration fields have been  presented graphically and discussed quantitatively. Also, the coefficient of skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number have been calculated and tabulated.



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How to Cite
K.M, J., A., P., P.E, A., & S, U. (2015). The Unsteady MHD Free Convective Two Immiscible Fluid Flows in a Horizontal Channel with Heat and Mass Transfer. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(05), 954-972. Retrieved from