Author Guideline

1. Article Types

The following contributions will be accepted for publication. Please take careful note of the maximum length where applicable. Over length articles will be returned to the authors without peer review:

Editorials (commissioned by the editor)

Clinical papers: no more than 2000-3000 words and 10-20 references

Research papers: no more than 2000-2500 words and 15-20 references

Review papers - no limit on length or number of references (in case of invited reviews) and 1500-2500 words with 15-25 references

Technical notes (surgical techniques, new instruments, technical innovations) - no more than 1000words, 5-10 references and 4 figures

Case reports - no more than 750-1500 words, 10-15 references and 5 figures

Letters to the editor - please see detailed guidelines provided at the end of the main guide for authors

General announcements.

Please note: Case reports will be considered for publication only if they add new information to the existing body of knowledge or present new points of view on known diseases.


Criteria for Publication Papers that will be considered for publication should be:

It should be based on a sound hypothesis and an adequate investigation method analyzing astatistically relevant series, leading to relevant results that back the conclusion.

Well written in simple, scientific English grammar and style.


Presented with a clear message and containing new information that is relevant for the readership of the journal. Note the comment above relating to case reports.


2.Presentation of Manuscripts

General Points Papers should be submitted in journal style.

Failure to do so will result in the paper being immediately returned to the author and may lead to significant delays in publication.

Spelling may follow British or American usage, but not a mixture of the two.

Format Papers should be set out as follows, with each section beginning on a separate page:

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Text
  • Acknowledgments
  • Tables
  • References
  • Captions to illustrations

Please note that the qualifications of the authors will not be included in the published paper and should not belisted anywhere on the manuscript.


3. The title page should give the following information:

Title of the article

Full name of each author

Name and address of the department or institution to which the work should be attributed

Name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence

Sources of support in the form of grants

Key words. If the title is longer than 40 characters (including spaces), a short title should be supplied for use in the running heads.

Abstract 200-250 words maximum.

Do not use subheadings or abbreviations; write as a continuous paragraph, Must contain all relevant information including Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.

There should be no mention of the institution where the work was carried out, especially in the Materials and Methods section.



Present first the nature and scope of the problem investigated

Review briefly the pertinent literature

State the rationale for the study

Explain the purpose in writing the paper

State the method of investigation and the reasons for the choice of a particular method

Should be written in the present tense Materials and Methods

Give the full details, limit references

Should be written in the past tense

Include exact technical specifications, quantities and generic names

Limit the number of subheadings, and use the same in the results section

Mention statistical method

Do not include results in this section Results

Do not describe methods

Present results in the past tense

Present representations rather than endlessly repetitive data

Use tables where appropriate, and do not repeat information in the text Discussion

Discuss - do not recapitulate results

Point out exceptions and lack of correlations. Do not try to cover up or 'fudge' data

Show how results agree/contrast with previous work

Discuss the implications of your findings

State your conclusions very clearly



Headings enhance readability but should be appropriate to the nature of the paper. They should bekept to a minimum and may be removed by the Editors.

Normally only two categories of headings should be used: Major ones should be typed in capitalletters;

Minor ones should be typed in lower case (with an initial capital letter) at the left hand margin. Quantitative analysis:

If any statistical methods are used, the text should state the test or other analytical method applied, basic descriptive statistics, critical value obtained, degrees of freedom, and significance level, e.g.(ANOVA, F=2.34; df=3,46; P<0.001).

If a computer data analysis was involved, the software package should be mentioned. Descriptive statistics may be presented in the form of a table, or included in the text.

Abbreviations, symbols, and nomenclature: Only standardized terms, which have been generally accepted, should be used.

Unfamiliar abbreviations must be defined when first used.

Patients should not be automatically designated as 'she', and doctors as 'he'.

References the accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author; please refer to a recent issue of the journal to familiarize you with the reference style.

All authors or groups of authors cited in the article must appear in the list of references and viceversa. References in the text should use (1) numerals with or without the name(s) of the author(s):"Kenneth and Cohen (14) showed?", "it has been shown14 that?" When a cited paper has more thantwo authors; the citation in the text should appear as "Halsb and et al."

The list of references at the end of the paper should be arranged as they appear in the article and numbered, and must contain the name of all authors.

All references cited in the text must be included in the list of references. Clinical and researcharticles should have a maximum of 15-20 references and case reports no more than 5-10.

When citing a paper which has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), use the following style:

Toschka H, Feifel H. Aesthetic and functional results of harvesting radial forearm flap. Int. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001: 30: 45-51. doi: 10.1054/ijom.2000.0005

Book/monograph: Costich ER, White RP. Fundamentals of oral surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1971: 201-220. Book chapter: Hodge HC, Smith FA. Biological properties of inorganic fluorides. In: Simons JH, ed.: Fluorine chemistry. New York: Academic Press, 1965: 135. Internet resource: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.



Tables should be used only to clarify important points. Double documentation in the form of tables and figures is not acceptable.

Do not submit tables as photographs.

A short descriptive title should appear above each table, with any footnotes suitably identified below. Care must be taken to ensure that all units are included. Ensure that each table is cited in the text.



All illustrations (e.g. graphs, drawings or photographs) are considered to be figures, and should be numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals. Each figure should have a caption, typed double-spaced on a separate page and numbered correspondingly. The minimum resolution for electronically generated figures is 300 dpi.


Line Illustrations:

All line illustrations should present a crisp black image on an even white background (127 x 178 mm (5 x 7in), or no larger than 203 x 254 mm (8 x 10 in). The size of the lettering should be appropriate, taking into account the necessary size reduction.

Photographs And Radiographs:

Photomicrographs should show magnification and details of any staining techniques used. The area(s) of interest must be clearly indicated with arrows or other symbols. Color images are encouraged.

Figures supplied in color will appear in color in the online version of the journal.

Size of photographs: The final size of photographs will be: (a) single column width (53 mm), (b) double column width (110 mm), (c) full page width (170 mm). Photographs should ideally be submitted at the finalre production size based on the above figures.

Patient Confidentiality:

Where illustrations must include recognizable individuals, living or dead, great care must be taken to ensure that consent for publication has been obtained. If identifiable features are not essential to the illustration, please indicate where the illustration can be cropped.

Significant changes to the article as accepted for publication will only be considered at this stage with permission from the Editor. We will o everything possible to get your article published quickly and accurately.

Therefore, itis important to ensure that allof your corrections are sent back to us in one communication: please check carefully before replying, as inclusion of any subsequent corrections cannot be guaranteed. Proofreading is solely your responsibility.


4. Acceptance Notification:

Within three days from the date of manuscript submission.Authors of accepted papers would be informed about the review results after completion of the review process.


5. Payments for publication:

Acocunt details will send in the acceptance mail , you can pay through bank , Online Banking. Othe countirs people can use Paypal, Account Transfer,Wester Union Money transfer,etc.  Send the transaction number (if online) or scanned copy of challan.


6.  Publication of Manuscripts:

 Manuscripts will be update periodically after payment process.


7. Certificate Dispatching:

  Certificate will dispatch to the authors as per their wish (Soft/Hard Copy).


8. Hard copy of the Journal:

  Hard copy of the journal will place in the end of every issue.